Many Georgia residents do not think about how they want someone to care for them in their elderly years until they reach retirement age or beyond. As a result, it often falls to the adult children to ensure that their parents have their affairs in order so that the...
Protecting The Rewards Of A Lifetime Of Hard Work
With more than 30 years of experience
Month: February 2021
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Start asset protection planning before any claims
Even if Georgia residents do not consider themselves materialistic, they understand the importance of protecting what they earn in life. Many circumstances could arise that result in a person facing creditor issues or possibly a lawsuit that could put their property...
Medicaid planning may be a new priority for many
The current pandemic that seems to have no true end in sight has put a lot of things in perspective for Georgia residents and people around the world. For some, the financial struggles that they are facing due to job loss, job delays, unexpected medical concerns and...