Protecting The Rewards Of A Lifetime Of Hard Work

With more than 30 years of experience

Get Guidance To Select The Right Health Care Agent

The questions below will help you decide who to select for your health care agent. You will probably want to pick a backup agent in case your first selection is unable to serve when you need him or her. You might think of several names and use the factors below to compare them as possibilities for your agent.
  1. Is legally qualified in the state of Georgia to serve as your agent (see qualifications below)
  2. Is not afraid to speak up on your behalf
  3. Would be willing to act on your wishes, even if they conflict with his or her own feelings
  4. Either lives close by, or would be willing to travel to be with you if needed
  5. Knows you well enough to recognize what’s most important for you
  6. Can handle the responsibility intellectually, physically and, if necessary, financially
  7. Is willing to talk with you now about sensitive issues, and will listen to your wishes
  8. Is healthy enough to be available to serve long into the future
  9. Would be firm enough to stand up to a situation where conflicting opinions between family members and medical providers might arise
  10. Won’t back down in the event of an unresponsive doctor or health institution

Who Can’t Be Your Health Care Agent?

  • Your doctor
  • your health care provider
  • An owner, operator or employee of a health care provider where you are receiving care

What Do You Do After You Have Selected Your Health Care Agent?

Speak to them and get their permission to be named as your agent.

Free Consultations About Health Care Agents

Contact Hodges Law Firm, LLC in Cumming for a free consultation. You can discuss how to choose your health care agent and ask more questions to our team. Call 678-608-1746, toll-free at  or send us an email to schedule.