Have You Been Cheated By A Fiduciary Or A Family Member?
Last updated on May 28, 2024
- Will contests
- Incompetence by fiduciaries
- Trust disputes
- Probate disputes
- Claims of undue influence
- Other types of estate litigation.
He has recovered millions of dollars for previous clients. He will see that your rights are protected.
What Is Breach Of Fiduciary Duty?
- A duty to not engage in self-dealing, i.e., not to take what isn’t his or hers to take
- A duty to treat entrusted assets with the same level of care as one’s own
- A duty to refrain from recklessly investing, wasting or otherwise dissipating such assets
- A duty to provide detailed accountings to people who depend on these assets to be properly managed and/or to the courts
In no uncertain terms, fiduciaries who fail to live up to these expectations violate the trust they’ve been given and cheat the people who count on such assets to be managed with integrity.
If you feel that something along these lines has happened to you or your family, or is happening right now – you have two choices: do nothing but shake your head in disgust and disappointment, or take action to protect yourself and your loved ones by contacting an experienced lawyer.
Don’t Let A Fiduciary Cheat You
We are here to help and encourage you to call us at 678-608-1746, toll-free at or to contact us online for a free initial consultation. We will stand up for you against unscrupulous fiduciaries.
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