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Medicaid planning: Lawmakers considering options for seniors

On Behalf of | Jul 10, 2019 | Firm News, Medicaid Planning |

People in their golden years often have increased needs for care. Though many can rely on their savings or on adult children for long-term care, there are many seniors in Georgia who do not have those options. They often have to rely on Medicaid to ensure that their needs are met. However, many state lawmakers are worried that the aging population may result in a strain on state budgets as society tries to find a way to care for increased numbers of senior citizens. Medicaid planning will be a vital part of dealing with this potential problem.

State representative John LaHood is concerned that since the current generation of Americans aged 65 and older had fewer children than their ancestors, there will be less means to care for that age group. He is worried that the problem will only compound itself over time, though he acknowledges the need for action right now. He pushed the Georgia House of Representatives to create a study committee to examine the issue and find a solution.

LaHood says that a large number of senior citizens live in poverty and that if they have to rely on federal programs, that could wreak havoc on a state budget. His hope is that they can find ways to connect seniors with alternatives that will cost less and still provide them with adequate care. He wants Georgia to be prepared for the future and save money in the long run.

No matter what this House committee decides, it is clear that senior citizens can benefit from making specific plans for care during their twilight years. Medicaid planning as part of a comprehensive long-term care plan can offer peace of mind for a senior and his or her loved ones. An attorney can help any family who has questions about how to plan for the future of their older members.