Protecting The Rewards Of A Lifetime Of Hard Work

With more than 30 years of experience

We Already Know What You Need To Know

The following is a checklist of items needed for Medicaid verification:


Birth certificate (both spouses)

Social Security card (for both spouses if married)

Health care cards, front and back

Private health insurance premium statements

Marriage certificate (of all marriages for both spouses)

Death certificate of spouse (and any other predeceased spouses from both parties)

Naturalization papers, if applicable

Military discharge papers, DD-214


Social Security yearly award letter stating monthly benefit for current year (you should receive this sometime in December of the prior year)

Pension statements for the most current month

IRA statements for current months

Any other retirement payment statements for most current month

Annuity statements for most current month

Any outstanding loans that are being repaid to you


All bank account statements for most current 3 months (all pages)

All investment account statements for most current 3 months

Real estate deeds (and/or closing papers on real estate sold within 3 years)

Most recent property tax bill

All life insurance policies

Cash surrender value on all life insurance policies with face values above $5,000

Rental agreements for secondary homes

Automobile registration

List of contents in safety deposit box

Prepaid funeral and/or burial contracts


List and explanation of all deposits and withdrawals for $1,000 or more

Copy of current will, powers of attorney and trusts

FOR VETERANS ONLY, copy of all medical expenses paid for the past 12 months (to include all prescriptions, eye exams and glasses, hearing aids and batteries, home health aids, assisted living costs, etc.)

Go Over Your Checklist With A Lawyer

You can consult a lawyer at Hodges Law Firm, LLC to go over your checklist and make sure you have everything in order. To schedule a free consultation, contact our office in Cumming. Call 678-608-1746. To reach us online, simply send an email.