A Skilled Conservatorships And Guardianships Attorney Can Help You Protect Your Loved Ones
How To Establish Guardianships And Conservatorships In Georgia
If the loved one you’re concerned about did not have a financial or health care power of attorney in place prior to becoming incapacitated, it will be necessary to establish a conservatorship or guardianship in probate court.
A conservatorship or guardianship allows you to provide oversight of a loved one’s finances and health care when he or she lacks the cognitive function to do so himself or herself (a common occurrence with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease). Georgia probate courts also appoint guardians for minors and adults who are otherwise considered incompetent to manage their own affairs for other reasons, such as Down syndrome.
A conservatorship gives you the legal authority to manage the estate and finances of an incapacitated adult or minor possessing or receiving money. A guardian is responsible for all personal affairs of the incapacitated adult or minor, including the power to make decisions regarding health care and living arrangements.
Discuss Your Case With A Lawyer. Free Consultations.
Whether you want to establish conservatorship and guardianship, challenge the appointment of a guardian or conservator, or seek the removal of an unfit guardian or conservator in probate court litigation, our law firm can help.
Contact us online or by telephone at 678-608-1746, toll-free at to speak with an experienced Atlanta-area lawyer about your concerns here today.
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