When administering a trust created in Georgia or elsewhere, various people will play a part. The trustee typically manages the trust, distributes assets and makes investments as deemed appropriate by the terms of the trust. The trustee also owes a fiduciary duty to...
Protecting The Rewards Of A Lifetime Of Hard Work
With more than 30 years of experience
Month: November 2020
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Worried about the future of your special needs child? Plan ahead
Having a child with special needs likely brought many changes to your life. At first, you probably had concerns and worries about what it would be like to raise a child with learning and ability differences, but over the years, you saw how capable and happy your child...
For asset protection, do not use overly specific terms in trusts
Many Georgia residents want to pass on assets to their loved ones and maybe even preserve assets for future generations. Asset protection could help ensure that family members have access to helpful funds when they need it, especially if individuals use trusts to...